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Chris Fisher's


Welcome Friends!

For many years now, I have been collecting certifications in many modalities, reading many books, and listening to speakers from all walks of life.  I've traveled near and far, met some extraordinary teachers and healers, all with the goal to  evolve, heal, and find myself.  This has led me to create what I call the Therapeutic Experience.


I invite you to browse this site and read the blog which gives some examples of what I do and how I work.  Feel free to contact me with questions any time.


Together let's "Find your Freedom"


All the best,


Chris Fisher Owner

$85/hr Sessions

Mission Statement:

Self discovery and healing can be difficult. I'll use a connection with Spirit, years of experience and learning to support and guide you on your journey to a new and better self.

Therapeutic Experience:

After consultation I'll gain and energetic connection with you and open myself to Spirit and receive direction for what is most needed for you at the time of the session. Then the healing process begins with the guidance from Spirit and my knowledge from many modalities.

Virtual Distance Sessions:

Can be done in the comfort and safety of your home using video calling or phone where we can connect to begin your healing. There is no barriers with energy and during a session I am able to feel your energetic field as if you are with me in person.

Modalities Used For Your  Therapeutic Experience
​Alternative Healing 

To allow the body and soul to release stored trauma through, breath, movement, vibration, and other practices.


One of the most difficult times in our life is when we lose a loved one. Much comfort can come from connecting with those that are the other side.


A complementary and alternative therapy which opens a doorway into the subconscious mind, thus helping to change beliefs and patterns that can be viewed as negative. 


Mind Body Eating  and/or  Conscious relationship Coaching, to help you reevaluate and move forward with your life, relationships, and dreams.

Soul Loss

When we experience trauma, fall, surgery, or abuse part of our soul is shed taking with it some of the intensity so our physical self is better able to cope with the situation.

Emotion Code

A way to release emotions that have become lodged in the energetic field that can cause pain and emotional discomfort.


The use of herbs, essential oils, nature, or journaling to assist in connecting you to your divine self.


An ancient practice for working with blockages in the energy field.

Past Life Regression

A past life regression may hold the answer to difficult relationships, patterns, and traits that came with you and impact this life time.

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